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Image of a girl reading a book. Courtesy Illa Thompson

The NPO eye clinic

Customer experience| Health UX | User management | Research

From 2020-2022, I've been the driving force behind a transformative patient-centric system within a non-profit social enterprise. I focused on fostering genuine relationships, implementing impactful research strategies, and revolutionizing the patient journey. Here's how I made it work. 

Patient relationship management

Consistent communication was key. By conducting telephonic interviews and generative research, I gained invaluable insights into user perceptions, pain points, and expectations. This data fueled the creation, update, and refinement of clinic solutions.

One-on-one telephonic interviews

Frontline staff contacted patients telephonically or via Whatsapp two weeks after the patients received their spectacles from the clinic and documented their responses on a spreadsheet which I analysed.  

The interview was designed to be less than 2 minutes, and queried their experience with staff, their communication with patients, and the patient's experience with the clinic's processes. I included a screen shot of the feedback captured for analysis.

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Generative research

I created a qualitative questionnaire that examined users perception on eye care, and expectations around an eye test. I interviewed 125 users (non-patients) over two years who were within the clinic's target market and, did not yet have an eye test with the clinic.

The tool was designed to be low granular and take less than 5 minutes of the user's time. 

Image of a simple questionnaire

Consistent communication with our users and patients created several opportunities to listen to their feedback, communicate with them effectively and create genuine relationships.

Here's how I made it work
  • Bilingual social media posts garnered the most attention. Feedback from users indicated that they felt included, less apprehensive and more engaged with the clinic

  • Patients enjoyed a better experience when the staff demonstrated expert knowledge, care, did not rush through the examination or after care services. 

  • Clinical setting with a friendly interface: Brochures, magazines, offering patients drinks.

  • Disability friendly clinic layout catered for visual and physical impaired patients.

  • Indigent patients were able to sign up for corporate sponsored programmes

  • Indigent children with high powered spectacles received free spectacles from corporate sponsored programmes. 

Social media in english
social media in Zulu

Journey maps

Mapping the patient's journey highlighted critical contact points and crucial areas, from welcoming gestures to appointment bookings.

Operational processes were also mapped out to help employees understand the WHY behind standard operating procedures and their training. The image reflects a draft version of one of the operational maps. 

A journey map

User relationship management and kaizen strategies

The user interface extended beyond digital interactions. Bilingual social media posts, expert knowledge, and personalized care contributed to an enriched patient experience. Creating an inclusive environment was crucial, and it reflected in the clinic's ambiance.

Kaizen strategies were implemented, ensuring continuous improvement through weekly meetings and addressing patient concerns promptly.

We were able to find and seal other areas where the clinic was inadvertently leaking money. E.g. Mistakes in the ordering system.

Employee relationship management

A great patient experience starts with engaged and supported frontline employees. I championed their growth through training, upskilling, and creating a polished atmosphere within the clinic, including the introduction of uniforms for a sense of expertise.

Here's how I executed it
  •  Exercises like role-playing helped staff understand the needs of the patient, and the reasons behind strategy and policy designs. 

  • Employees were trained and upskilled in the relevant areas e.g. using Kanban boards for task management and execution.

  • Employees were trained frequently to ensure smooth onboarding (patient’s arrival into the practice) and off boarding (continuing the relationship outside the practice

  • Introduction of uniforms to create a polished atmosphere within the clinic. Patients felt the use of uniforms created a better sense of expert knowledge within the clinic.

Image of a girl in uniform
Stakeholder relationship management

Collaborating with public and private stakeholders, I conducted vision programs, spearheaded outreach clinics, and utilized the organization's NPO status for alternate revenue streams.


  • The impact was significant — reduced errors, minimized delays, increased income, and strategic marketing initiatives led to a 25% yearly growth rate despite economic challenges. Social initiatives, such as providing free eye tests and spectacles to children, left a positive mark on the community.

Social impact
  • Collaborative efforts with a district hospital and corporate institutions resulted in improved media presence and positive social impact. Over 130 indigent patients received subsidised spectacles, marking a tangible difference in their lives.

  • 80 children received free eye tests and spectacles and were treated to a free movie for World Optometry day

  • The initiative sparked interest from local businesses who donated towards the children's goody-bags and towards the organisation.

  • Together we provided spectacles to children from a local hospital for World Optometry Day 2022.  

  • 83% of the children who received spectacles reported improvement in their school and social activities.

A group of children wearing spectacles. Courtsey of Illa Thompson
Patient engagement
  • My initiatives not only attracted patients through social media and online searches but also resulted in delightful experiences within the clinic. Word of mouth marketing became a powerful driver, with patients actively referring friends and family.

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